I Hate Valentine’s Day!
There was a time that I didn’t like Valentine’s Day. 

Not because I didn’t love my wife but because I was busy. It seems like it was just another “thing to do.” But I was wrong, terribly wrong. The truth is, Valentine’s Day is a day to stop and celebrate your love. 

For all of the single folks in a relationship and especially busy married couples, Valentine’s Day should be like a national reminder for you to value your relationship.

I’ve come to learn that lots of people hate Valentine’s Day. Although it’s supposed to be a day of love and romance, for some, it’s just a reminder of what they don’t have. So it’s no wonder why they hate it.

Some people say they hate Valentine’s Day because of the peer pressure to celebrate your love. Others feel it has become too commercialized and prefer to avoid the stress of gift buying. And there are also those who hate Valentine’s Day because of past negative experiences, like a breakup.

But here’s a tip for all couples. 

Think of it this way, Valentine’s Day is the easiest time of the year to celebrate your relationship. 

The day (or season) is all set up for you. 

All you need to do is jump in and have some fun. Just go with it. Whether you celebrate Valentine’s Day on the 14th or any other day in February, take time to tell your spouse that you love them. And hopefully, it’s just not once a year.

Remember when you were dating? You likely had no problems thinking about how to make your boyfriend or girlfriend feel special. Think like that!

Taking that into consideration, here are three practices for healthy relationships drawn from my Ten Commandments for Couples Audio Course

  • 1. Love your spouse more than any other hobby, job, or person in your life. Learn to always be working on your marriage. If you are married and in ministry, know that your marriage is your most important ministry. If your marriage doesn’t work, nothing else will be effective. Ministry never stops, but you should. Stop and remember what’s important, your marriage and family. “But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world, how he can please his wife.” I Corinthians 7:33

  • 2. Don’t compare your spouse to others. Want to start a fight? Start comparing each other. Instead, be thankful for what you do have, and make it work. “Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you. Rejoice in the wife of your youth” Proverbs 5:18 NLT

  • 3. Control your anger. When you get angry, count to ten. When you get really angry, count to a hundred. If that doesn’t work get professional help. “A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls.” Proverbs 25:28 NLT
Remember that the key to a meaningful Valentine’s Day is to plan something that will make your spouse feel special, loved, and appreciated. It’s called working on your marriage.

No matter what you choose to do, avoid getting stuck with the Valentine’s Day blues. Instead, take advantage of the easiest date night of the year. Don’t ruin it by being selfish, fighting, or arguing. The Bible says, “Love covers a multitude of sins.” 1. Peter 4:8. So, if your spouse offends you, let it slide and think of the big picture, which should be, building a strong marriage.

I welcome your feedback.


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